ViBo for Business
ViBo : The Reliable Voice Bot
About Us
What Is A ViBo?
ViBo is a conversational solution that uses AI and natural language understanding (NLU) to help interpret intent and meaning in voice commands. This technology, also known as conversational interactive voice response (IVR), enables users to interact with a device simply by speaking.
As voice is one of the quickest forms of human communication, ViBo offer a secondary level of customer service by presenting another way to reflect your brand.
Samir Gupta
What We Do
How Does ViBo Work
Capture Audio
Capture Audio stream from Inbound and Outbound calls
GPU Processing
Process waveform data on cluster of Cloud servers
Response Generation
Realtime response and dialogue generation for user interaction
How it's work
Engage With ViBo
VoiceBot Pre-Built
It is a long established fact that intelligent voice bots will close customer calls faster.
ViBo Integration
ViBo integration is very easy to plug into your automated calling servers
Deep Learning
ViBo is powered by patent pending Deep Learning Conformers
What We Offer
Cloud Vibo
You want the the flexibility of the cloud or prefer to manage the system yourself, both options deliver a full conversational IVR experience.
Onsite ViBo
Predictive call handling
Predict caller intent, deliver personalized menus and help route callers to the right destination quickly.
Call steering
Callers are sent to the right place the first time, improving use of the automated system and reducing the need for live agents.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Voice Bot?
Voice Bot is an artificially intelligent engine which is designed to capture the audio and understand the context, intent and meaning of statements.
How does the platform work?
The platform works by deploying webservice over a cluster of cloud servers with audio data transfer pipelines
What is the differnce between ViBo and ASR
ViBo is a Conversational Voice Bot which can cater end to end needs of independent customer care solution vs ASR just does the Automatic Speech recognition and transcription
What's ViBo
How It Works
Automated Speech Recognition in multiple languages
Natural Language Processing the context of statement
Natural Language Understanding thats more focused on intent
Meaningful and Natural Human Voice Response Generation